QuestionsGeneral-MiscHas anyone been having parcel delievry by post office ?
maujam asked 6 months ago

Are small parcel ordinary not delivered by post man anymore. All i get is cards to go and fetch small parcel at post office curepipe, for one two parcels. It was not like that before, i know postman delivered them at home because they are ordinary parcel and not registered.if there any ways to make complaint. Emails something? Also already went to post office curepipe, no action was taken.same for the post man,i have spoke with him, he did not even listen . he keeps giving me cards to fetch 1 small parcel from aliexpress.

Muzzammil_15 answered 6 months ago

It’s been a while it’s no longer like this

I guess the post office delivery policy changed

But this is difficult for those who stay far from the post office

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