QuestionsGeneral-MiscHas Mixity Increased Sex in Schools?
streamer3222 asked 7 months ago

Schools like MGI were mixed since their inception. Never any reports of teenage pregnancies. All MGSS schools were equally always mixed. But keep in mind these schools had a very different culture. MGI students were those who excelled academically.I wish to express concern about schools already with bunking classes, smoking, drinking and drug culture from *before* college mixity. These are the RCC, RCPL as well as JKC. I no longer am a student and keep touch with these schools and can't know about the current culture. Perhaps it is wise to engage in such discussions before sending your child there.I am making the point that Academies are beginning to contain all the ingredients as US colleges and it should only become a matter of time before dating and casual sex become a common thing (for better or for worse). Who goes to these schools and how has school life evolved since mixity?I have known many students from MGI. ‘Pass lame’ or kissing was a secret thing between some people but never anything up to sex.

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