QuestionsGeneral-MiscDoes anybody know Sabrina Lim Kee Chong?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

HELP NEEDED Hello everybody! I know this is against all odds, but let me try nevertheless: Does anybody know Sabrina Lim Kee Chong? (This is probably her maiden name) She should be in her late forties/early fifties now, and in her youth she had studied hair dressing. She had worked for a while in one of those big resorts in Flic en Flac. I got to know her in her teen years, we were pen pals then. I visited Mauritius in my 20s and met her and her husband/boyfriend. We had a lovely time back then. I have now returned to Mauritius and would love to catch up. Unfortunately, I have lost her contact data…

Prem Chetan Gopall answered 7 months ago

ok let’s try find her

Christa Vanhecke answered 7 months ago

oh, i hope you will find her!

David A Anseline answered 7 months ago

Any idea what the husband name is?

Harsha Rajwani Dookayka answered 7 months ago

She used to be my classmate.. I have also lost touch with her.

Tony Chung answered 7 months ago

We used to have an international referee named Alain Lim kee Chong ,maybe try to google search him.
Goodluck ..🙏🏻

Sabrina Sonatun answered 7 months ago

I sincerely hope that u will find her🙏 god bless

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