Anonymous asked 11 months ago

In November, my husband and I will be traveling from the UK. He takes co-dydramol for his back and we are aware that we need to obtain a letter and prescription from our GP. However, all prescriptions are now digital and uploaded electronically to the pharmacy. Do we still need to request a paper FP10 prescription?

You may need to do more as if it’s codeine based, it’s classed as an illegal drug (needs approval)

Gaynor Jackson answered 11 months ago

If you ask at the chemist for a copy of your prescription they will print one off for you.

Yasir Nabee answered 11 months ago

You may purchase stock there, then print the digital pres to show customs here Linda Banks

Kam Banger answered 11 months ago

U can get pharmacy to print a copy off for you

DeLui VientmonSalut answered 11 months ago

With all prescription medication comes a script from the chemist, this will be enough.

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