QuestionsGeneral-MiscHow many UK born Mauritians speak creole?
Alternative-Carpet52 asked 5 months ago

Whenever I go to the UK, I can't help but notice many Mauritians never got into the habit of speaking creole to their children at home to the point many Mauritians can't speak creole although most of them do understand it. I noticed it among some family members as well.While I do understand, living in the UK, English might be more useful, for many Mauritians who moved to the UK long ago, speaking different languages was not such a foreign concept. As Mauritians we learn English and French formally while speaking creole. As a result, many UK Mauritians can only speak English and a battered French that they learn in schools. I also noticed that Mauritian couples who can speak creole would often converse in creole with each other but make the choice of not speaking/teaching creole to their children.

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