QuestionsGeneral-MiscHow to get my brn?
PlanktonSad9695 asked 7 months ago

I am trying to set up a freelance account for some remote works that I plan to do.I read through various threads and I think the said websites may have undergone some changes or am just a noob(more likely).So I went on portalsmns for cbris and submitted an application After a day they sent me a user id for me to log in cbris along with a passwordHow to proceed next?

sparta_Anish answered 7 months ago

try this website

Adept-Drummer5367 answered 7 months ago

Their website is a real pain and the actual portal is hidden behind countless menus.

Here’s the direct link:

It will allow you to apply directly and pay for the BRN. You can then choose to collect the doc at Port Louis or through post.

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