QuestionsGeneral-MiscHow to rent out a house as a holiday rental
Dlacreme asked 1 year ago

Hello everyone!We own a house in goodlands, although we currently live in Europe. Although not a luxurious villa with a swimming pool, our house is still a nice and modern place, in my opinion.We used to rent it on a yearly basis, but our previous tenants recently left. After completing some renovations, we're now considering renting it out for holiday stays either through Airbnb or an agency.Fortunately, we have family members nearby who can assist us in getting the house ready and managing the online listings. However, we don't want to burden them with all the responsibilities whenever we have guests.I noticed that Airbnb offers a concierge service through local partners, but I couldn't find any available in Mauritius. So, I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions or tips? Perhaps you could recommend any reliable agencies or a Facebook group where people offer such services?Thank you all so much for your help.Edit: Just to clarify, our intention is not to maximize profits. We simply want to rent out the house while we're not there and still have the ability to use it for a few weeks each year when we visit family.

TechNick1-1 answered 1 year ago

You want to earn “more” Money with AirBnB or is renting LONG Term for a Expat also a Option?

guy_from_dodoland answered 1 year ago

i believe you would need some kind of authorisation from the tourism authority to rent on Airbnb.

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