QuestionsGeneral-MiscMy muslim penfriend in Mauritius passed away – how to send them my condolences?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

I have a sad announcement and a question. I do not know if it fits on this page. Please only serious reactions. Thanks. We are coming in may to visit . One of the reason of visiting was. Visiting a penfriend, i knew in my youth. We met in 2007, when my man and i were on honeymoon. This morning my friends daughter sent me a message, that her dad was passed away on 30 december. They are muslims, so i understand that he must be buried already. My question is how to react respectful to his wife and familiy for condolences. I want to sent a respectful message. I will really mis our friend on our visit in May. Thank you.

Corinna Ozturk answered 7 months ago

How sad, sorry to hear that 😔

Naim Shah Oodiam answered 7 months ago

Hello hope this can help you.
May his departed soul be blessed by Allah and grant tranquility in Barzakh, purify his sins, forgive his shortcomings, enlighten noor in his grave, make his grave spacious facilite him to answer the questions of Qabr and grant him highest ranks in jannatulfirdaus reunite him amongst His righteous servants Ameen 🤲🏾

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