QuestionsGeneral-MiscCan this website go back to the love of Mauritius?
Anonymous asked 3 months ago

I joined this website for its name as we are arriving soon 🥰 its so sad its becoming a website full of moans about airlines and weather 😢 we have been switched to Hi-fly but its a plane with wings and will get us there. Unless you’re god , you can’t predict the weather ! I got married in St Lucia in the rain , 12 years on , its not what I remember! Please can this website go back to the love of Mauritius? 🙏

Carolyn Parkinson answered 3 months ago

Welcome!!! A sensible voice!

Norman Douglas answered 3 months ago

It’s not really helpful putting posts on anonymously at least have the courage of your convictions. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Nicky Conway answered 3 months ago

I joined too for this very reason and because we’re coming to this beautiful island, for our holiday of a lifetime and honeymoon in June. Our first visit. I was and I am still so excited but all the chat on AM flights is causing me real concern. I don’t care who we fly with, I would rather a cancellation or a delay over an unsafe flight (no body controls the weather) but now really anxious that we may not even get there 🥲

Katy Robinson answered 3 months ago

Thank goodness someone with a bit of positivity! That’s all Iv seen on this site: moaning. If it rains then let it rain, still paradise. I’m still having two weeks off work, no kids and spending it with my best friend and soul sister. Rae Layton

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    Mauritius' most popular native music and dance style is the Sega music, which traces back its origin to the slave population. The songs are sung in Creole, and while dancing, the dancers never let their feet lose contact with the ground.
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