QuestionsGeneral-MiscIs February a bad time to visit Mauritius?
China_wumao_shill asked 8 months ago

My husband and I live in China, and our only long holiday every year is during Chinese New Year, which is between Feb 10-20th this year. Is this a bad time to come to Mauritius? We read online that it’s extra rainy and cyclonic every February. We don’t mind extra heat and humidity since we’re coming from -20 Celsius temperatures but we are a bit worried about the cyclones…

LeatherContract2760 answered 8 months ago

Yeah, February is the month of heavy rain and cyclones so it’s a bit useless to come since there won’t be much to do and some places may even flood during cyclones so it can even be dangerous

rollerblade7 answered 8 months ago

I was in Mauritius for 2 weeks this February -the weather was perfect except for that one day a cyclone passed by and we had to stay in doors.

Diligent_Energy_4922 answered 8 months ago

There’s never a bad time to come to Mauritius !

parmesanandhoney answered 8 months ago

Avoid that period because it is the period of cyclones. Might be nice, might have a cyclone.
I would not take that bet.

Upstairs_Main9692 answered 8 months ago

Hello, if people tells you that february is the month of cyclonic weather its true. However concerning heavy rain, as From December up till April, you might experience Heavy rain.
And concerning cyclone, the last one which struck Mauritius was in 1995. Else we have cyclone that come close to 40 or 60 km from the coast, but here also you should go back in time.. the last one close like this was in 2006.
So even if you come during february and there is a cyclone.. it might take either 1 week of your time or 3 days…

TechNick1-1 answered 8 months ago

Its not the BEST Time but its ok!

I recommend to stay in the South of the Island. IF there is a Cyclone passing by usually the South is the least affected.

RedDemonCorsair answered 8 months ago

Cyclones are more prone to happen in this time of the year yeah, but they only last a couple of days max and half the time it is sunny the very next day the cyclone alert started. If you are coming for just a couple of days, it is your choice to risk it but if you are coming for 1 or more weeks it should be fine.

11thRaven answered 8 months ago

It really depends on how bad your luck is because obviously, cyclones aren’t here 24/7 during our cyclone season. Personally I wouldn’t visit in February.

February has the following characteristics:
– It’s the season for rain – and this is dangerous tropical downpours, not the kind of stuff where you just put a raincoat on and go out. It would have been okay if our gov had put in place proper, clean drains to clear water away – but that’s not the case nowadays so there’s a high risk of flash flooding when we have a downpour.
– It’s the hottest month – it’s the combination of heat and humidity which makes it extremely unbearable, and you’ll struggle to enjoy the outdoor activities in these circumstances even if it’s not raining. Also, our meteo has advised that this summer is expected to be hotter than recent times (and we’re already struggling with climate change so this will be really intolerable if they’re right!)
– It’s the cyclone season. If you’re lucky you won’t experience one. If you’re unlucky it could disrupt your flights and/or could mean you’re stuck indoors for a few days or up to a week if it’s quite bad, and possibly away from the sea even longer than that.
– Unlike the rest of our summer months, it’s past the season for nice fruits (although you can probably enjoy mangoes, litchis and longans in China!) and because of the rain we often don’t have nice vegetables either.

Personally I would say February is the absolute worst time to visit Mauritius. But obviously you have to decide for yourselves if February is the only time you can ever get a vacation.

MS_BOY answered 8 months ago

Objectively, it might actually be the worst time to be coming here for a holiday. Not much going around, no events except from Chinese New Year and some odd stuff. It’s still quite hot and It’s cyclone season. Tropical fruits will also be gone by then. No fresh venison since hunting season will be over ( i believe ) and more

Negative_Bee_808 answered 8 months ago

That’s a Russian roulette here, as you might have a very hot and nice season. Such as you can also have cyclone. This varies based on atmospheric pressure but well; if I shall advise; better come around March, this will be the end of the high hot season; and will have a dropping temperature over time.

Hatake-husk-15 answered 8 months ago

As a local I wouldn’t say so and it’s also the month of one of the greatest cultural events here very lively lots of traditional food and things to discover

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