QuestionsGeneral-MiscIs it possible for an expat resident in Mauritius to use public healthcare?
PotatoooAndMolasses asked 8 months ago

As a foreigner and a resident of Mauritius, does the free public health insurance apply to me as well and to what extent? I am self-employed thus I don't have an employer covering my health insurance.In any case, I am also interested which private health insurance that gives good value for its cost would other expats recommend (36 years old)

Chillingdude_xd answered 8 months ago

Hello I’m an expat that’s been living here for over 6 years and yes anyone can go to like the medi clinic in triolet and get a free consultation and meds , that includes tourists too. I was surprised to learn that but yeah even tourists can go and get checked up. Now I don’t know about the bigger hospital, like that ssrn hospital if they also treat tourists but they definitely treated me .

ajaxsirius answered 8 months ago

Yes, you can.

In private healthcare you’ll get the same doctors as in public, but the difference is you can choose your doctor, and they’re more likely to take their time with you and try to get you to come back.

In public healthcare you’ll get whichever doctor is there at that moment, and due to the sheer numbers of people they’re more likely to focus on getting the job done than paying attention to bedside manners.

I’ve been to the public hospital Jeetoo two times. Once for a sprained ankle and once for a more serious sickness. I was in an out of the hospital for the sprained ankle in about 45min. Got examined and a cast applied.

For the more serious sickness I was in the hospital for 5 days I think under observation. There was no real treatment (which was appropriate for what I had), just constant observation and blood monitoring. It got the job done and as a tax payer I think that’s fine.

I would say for less serious things, the hospital is great. For serious things like surgery for example, I would go private, or even go abroad.

charlie_zoosh answered 8 months ago

The correct answer is that yes you can access treatment at public hospital BUT the normal procedure is to bill non-eligible patients for treatments. I’ve seen it done before several times.

Please get private health insurance. We don’t need or want foreigners to be clogging our public health system which is already under pressure.

TechNick1-1 answered 8 months ago

Hi, SWAN & Mauritius Union are the best private Health Insurance Providers here.

Expect a Price of around 2500 RS/Month for a above average Premium Level Membership.

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