QuestionsGeneral-MiscIs it possible to sell your property when you are living out of Mauritius?
Aky1408 asked 6 months ago

As the title says, need some information on procedures to sell a house when living outside Mauritius. Does someone have the right to represent me for notary appointments and authorised signatures. Say now the home loan has not been fully repaid ,can full repayment be done after sales? I'd be grateful for any information. Thank you.

Desperate-Base5858 answered 6 months ago

Yes it can be done. You have to seek a notary to prepare a vente par Procuration wherby someone else will be authorised to complete the sale on your behalf. As for the bank loan, the notary will know how to proceed with the bank for necessary paperwork.

User-dy_6235 answered 6 months ago

What and where is the property?

dush_yant answered 6 months ago

Yes but you will need to come in person to Mauritius first to setup a power of attorney / procuration at a notary. You can nominate a friend or family for the power of attorney or nominate the notary himself. I paid Rs 6,375 for one 2 years ago.

(It is also possible to setup the POA from overseas but you will need a notary/solicitor in your current country in addition to the notary in Mauritius and will be much more – A UK solicitor for example will charge you about the same as a flight to Mauritius to do the POA locally).

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