QuestionsGeneral-MiscIs there a problem with bet365 when withdrawing money ?
osbaksbwm asked 8 months ago

last time i tried withdrawing money from bet365 and did not get the money. emailed mcb asking if the problem was on their side, but they told me the bet365 is not licensed with GRA... well I don't know what this means and since when have this been the case. Can someone help me understand the problem and since when this has been happening.

aramjatan answered 8 months ago

What do you mean “withdrawing money from bet365” ? You can withdraw money from your own account once bet365 has transferred your money into it. Are you certain bet365 sent you money?

Ilijin answered 8 months ago

You can no more withdraw money from them as it is use as a “money laundering” platform, at least what they said.

vincess answered 8 months ago

Betting lobbies put pressure on there petit copain in politics to block all transactions from bet365 to Mauritius. Bet365 was providing far far far better horse race fixtures than local bookmakers. Like cheval 100 pu 115 maurice mais lor bet365 meme p vane cheval 100 pu 1000rs. So they claimed it was illegal and thus now all transactions are blocked from bet365 to Mauritius. I have a friend who have 10,000 euro block on bet365 since 8 months. No solution. He was trying to send to a family in UK but bet365 was saying the UK account needed to be in same name as bet365 account. He tried to use payooner which give you a UK bank account but the transfer was bounced back several time without explanation.

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