QuestionsGeneral-MiscIs Tinder dates common in Mauritius?
AlintakMintaka asked 7 months ago

Do Mauritian really use Tinder app for dating? Is there so legit Mauritian ppl there or just scammers😂😂Also, a personal take, I really don't think tinder will be good for our culture more precisely our small island. Like if you see other countries, most ppl use Tinder as an app to look for sex(I said most ppl, not all ppl😅). And I really don't want Mauritius to be like that. And I like the sense of going and talking to ppl irl to get to know them and I prefer my partner with a low body count.

Best-Inflation-7728 answered 7 months ago

Tinder non. Bumble plutot

streamer3222 answered 7 months ago

You know, just because Americans use it for sex doesn’t mean Mauritians do so as well!

In my view the sex actually depends on the values and ethnicity of the people involved. A lot of Mauritians although using the same app will not go to bars or shady places for dates. Hijab-wearing Muslims can be prominently absent from these kind of apps, and most people who do get dates actually use it within their values.

A lot of them just want traditional relationships. Tinder is just a tool. Those who use it for sex are the same ones who’d sleep around without those apps anyway!

Humble_Pineapple_625 answered 7 months ago

First thing I notice, is you fit right into the local culture type thinking if you want low.body count… People have experiences, I tried experienced partners so much more caring and knowledgeable. Correct me if I’m wrong, but judging only by that comment, you sound like a cis het male to me.

Now for.your question; yes, super common as far as I have experienced. I have been using it for casual and friendship for a couple years, as local, culturally mixed woman in my late 20s, I find it to be a nice app when you take the time to get to
Know the people and cull the time wasters.

I have met men, women,
Non-bimaries and trans on the app, and most are still my friends!!

WannaBeAccountant69 answered 7 months ago

I mainly use it for sex, girls in there do too. If they say otherwise then you’re just ugly or boring

joeyl5 answered 7 months ago

I used tinder last time I was in Mauritius and saw plenty of women there but they were mostly interested in making new friends instead of meeting up for a date and fun time. Many of them seemed interested in me coming from a different country and checking what my experiences abroad were. It was all cool.

Omasrealaccount answered 7 months ago

Yep.. I did actually date like 5 women i met through tinder this year alone..

And a few others on bumble..

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