QuestionsGeneral-MiscJust arrived and this queue is taking forever….
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Just arrived and this queue is taking forever.... waiting an hr already,..this queue is shortening my holiday the airport

Rosabie Anton-Sattel answered 7 months ago

This qué belong to your Holiday, it’s a positive stress..once you will go outside , you will love it .

Kauser Kazem answered 7 months ago

You are on holiday. Chill, it is the Mauritian way.

Michelle Halford answered 7 months ago

lol it was the same with me! Over 2hrs in the queue and I was only staying on the island for a week 😂🙈 was well worth it though x

Gertrude Allet Perrine answered 7 months ago

Welcome 🤗 be happy relax

Vanda Jooganah answered 7 months ago

Chill out your on holiday at peek season

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