QuestionsGeneral-MiscKifer dimun content brile salete?
AsianFrenchie asked 8 months ago

Camion passé partout dan lile et ramass saleté mais ena dimun prefer brilé.Sa cré la fumée et la cendre ki pa bon pu la santé et lenvironman.Kan dire zot pa fer sa, zot dire pa to zaffer sa....

AceSpadePirate answered 8 months ago

Mem zistwar kot moi si. Zot extra content brile saleté. Lot fois la zot manké brile voisin akoté so lakaz, la si zot pa compren mem

streamer3222 answered 8 months ago

In fact it depends what garbage they are burning. People regularly burn ‘tree waste’, which means dry fallen leaves but also small branch cuttings. The thing is, the government sets incentives that it’s better if you burn your stuff. Waste carriers used to but have stopped taking tree waste. They now even ask you pay the municipality to get rid of your felled tree stumps. People can have a good mindset, but I think the government doesn’t support us. It prefers planting 65,000 (fragile) trees in Ébène to show you don’t worry it cares about the environment!

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