QuestionsGeneral-MiscLooking for English translations of beloved Sega Tipik songs
adamislolz asked 8 months ago

Title says it all, pretty much. I'm interested in finding some English translations of some classic Sega songs. The type of songs that most everyone knows and loves and agrees on as being pretty "classic" and "beloved" by most Mauritian families. I've been told Ti Frere is a good starting place. I'd love a translation, (or even just lyrics) to Ti Piere Ti Paul, for example. It's for a potential research project.If anyone can direct me to a website with English (or even French) translations, or if you'd be so kind to translate one of your favorites, I'd be very grateful. Alternatively, even just an online source for lyrics in Kreol, so I can have some of my friends translate it for me. It's a bit tough to find with google alone.

streamer3222 answered 8 months ago

Well I’d be interested to find a *Creole* translation for Sega! I suppose we all want to know the meaning of *Ti laé lo la li lé*! Or Moi prends Baké Yaya Moi Crazé! ROFL

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