QuestionsGeneral-MiscLooking to buy Corson vanilla tea but I’m in the UK
ExSuntime asked 8 months ago

My GF just returned from Mauritius and absolutely loves this tea. I'm looking for a way to get it in the UK either a specialty shop or reliable website to order from. Any help is much appreciated

Trtrtr70 answered 8 months ago

Is this the tea that the Mauritius Airlines serve? I love this tea and don’t know its name.

RoseHill20201 answered 8 months ago

Are you talking about Mauritian vanilla tea?

If you are in London you could try the Dodo supermarket on Old Compton Street, Soho.

L4993Rz answered 8 months ago

Try the Mauritian shop in Edmonton:

You probably can also call ahead and ask.

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