QuestionsGeneral-MiscPrivate beach in Mauritius
Arom3nce asked 7 months ago

Is it possible to privatise a beach in mauritius? To my knowledge, there was a law passed a few years back that beaches are and will stay open to public despite hotels or houses being built in front of it. Well, a few days ago i went to a beach in the North and my sister and i sat on the sand right in front of the water in front of a “private bungalow”. The owner came screaming at us “non, on fait pas ça ici, faut bougez, NON!” She was aggressive and pointing her fingers like we did something horrible. Obviously this annoyed the both of us and we told her to call the police if we can’t stay on this beach that’s open to the public. We were literally by the water and not even in front of her yard and only talking, not making much noise, so what’s all the fuss? My question is: did this law change? Is it possible to tell people to get off a beach because it is “private”?

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