QuestionsGeneral-MiscRenting a private boat on Mauritius?
boonbabysoup asked 11 months ago

Is it possible to rent a small motor boat without a captain that can be operated solely without any license? I don't know local regulations for this, is it also limited by motor power and size of the boat?Thanks :)

bigornon answered 11 months ago

Without any license, no. You’ll have to hire a skipper with the boat. No matter the size and power motor at least one person needs to have a skipper license.

Usually people that rent their boats has a skipper or themselves to come on the boat.

Electronic_Drama_554 answered 11 months ago

I don’t think you can

sleepyreaper18 answered 11 months ago

You can rent a kayak if you want. But anything with a motor whether fuel or electric requires a licence.
I am not too sure about the legality of sails

JonJonSee answered 11 months ago

No. Mauritian lagoon is shallow and even with a licence, no one yould rent his boat to someone that doesn’t know the lagoon.

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