QuestionsGeneral-MiscShould I buy my PC parts here or is it wiser to buy online/abroad?
GregoryCornWall asked 10 months ago

Hello everyone,I'm currently planning my first PC-build and could use some advice from experienced builders/gamers in Mauritius. My plan is to build a PC setup around the RTX 4070, with a budget of Rs 85,000. I'm unsure whether I should buy my parts locally, paying more but enjoying the assurance of warranties, or if I should purchase them from online retailers like Newegg.Another option I'm considering is getting certain parts during my upcoming two-month trip to the UK in December. There, I might find better deals on Amazon and Overclockrs. However, this approach has risks, such as potential damage during travel or extra charges on my return flight.I would appreciate your insights on whether I should prioritize local purchases with warranty support or pursue international savings with potential risks.In addition, I don't have any friends or relatives with PC-building experience. If I were to acquire all the parts myself, I would like to know if there are any retailers that offer PC building services for a fee.Your input and suggestions would be highly appreciated.

virusassault-44 answered 10 months ago

I bought my pc parts online, everything, except casing and psu due to weight. Bought from Amazon and AliExpress.. Saved a HUGE amount of money compared to if i bought the parts locally.. Total value of pc if bought locally, well over 100k. Check for deals before buying online.. Use a price checker to find out if the price of whatever you are seeking to buy is at its highest or lowest.. You can save a lot that way..

Ilijin answered 10 months ago

Buy from amazon, it will be cheaper but only buy your pc case locally because of stupid Mauritian law you’ll be taxed 7K only for the casing.

For the pc parts, look for Amazon choice, you’ll be able to request a warranty for the products abd if it is broken on, delivery, you’ll be refunded easily.

aramjatan answered 10 months ago

Buy all the parts, except the case while you’re on your trip to the UK. If you want, you can get everything from a retailer like, with a super cheap case option. You can then test if everything is working fine before leaving the case behind and taking everything else back home. This is close to what I did in 2022 for my build. I just went on faith that my components are not faulty and did no testing there.

thelittlecousin answered 10 months ago

I can help out for building! DM

ajaxsirius answered 10 months ago

I’ve built quite a few PCs, been building since 2000s. So if you want help I can help you out, schedule permitting.

I would recommend comparing prices with online retailers in the UK and with [B&H]( B&H may be cheaper, even after taxes and shipping to mauritius, than the UK. I recently travelled to the EU and it was actually cheaper for me to buy from B&H, pay for DHL shipping to Mauritius and pay Mauritian taxes than to pickup in the EU. I saved about 10k (on a total of about 70k) by shipping to Mauritius than picking up in the EU.

If you’re buying from B&H, go with DHL for shipping. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them.

Angrybird2025 answered 10 months ago

Buy everything off eBay or Amazon except for the casing and power supply. The two last items are easily accessible in Mauritius at fast click and Jacey. You must buy the rest online because of the value you get for the price you pay.

xelab04 answered 10 months ago

If you’re going to the UK, I can highly recommend []( – they’re a UK online business which deals with a looot of tech. Getting your graphics card there will end up costing you a lot less too. I’ve got a lot of my tech from them and it’s pretty genuine from what I can tell XD

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