QuestionsGeneral-MiscSodomy legalized in Mauritius
aramjatan asked 10 months ago

On October 4, 2023, the Supreme Court of Mauritius deems article 250 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes sodomy, discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Mauricien247 answered 10 months ago

Aster pena problem, cav met par derriere avec consentment. Sales of vaseline and lube pu monter la!

Escanor1365 answered 10 months ago

Mem li taboo, bku pratique li.

naks26 answered 10 months ago

Finalement Maurice ine rentre dans 20ème siècle 😅

Bulky_Opportunity558 answered 10 months ago

Baby steps to legalize same-sex marriage?

ajaxsirius answered 10 months ago

From the article:

> La cour a décrété que l’article 250(1) du Code pénal qui criminalise la sodomie est discriminatoire et anticonstitutionnel, dans la mesure où il s’applique aux actes entre adultes masculins consentants.

JonJonSee answered 10 months ago

Well great, It make no sense to criminalize people for something they do in their intimity and hurts no one.

Bankz92 answered 10 months ago

Great news! I’ll be sure to celebrate with my wife tonight.

ianik7777 answered 10 months ago

legaliser ou pas, pena okene leffet sa. pki bcp dza p fer li. et aussi, meme si legalise li, sa pas ve dir ki bolfam oblizer daccord. li tzr kapav met n case pou viol etc.

salmankm answered 10 months ago

Nepli pu municipalité aster

marchmadness3 answered 10 months ago

It’s almost disgusting how the news decided to focus on the sodomie part just for the sake of sensationalism. Homosexuality was decriminalized!

That’s the real news!

Katen1023 answered 10 months ago

This is amazing news, and finally, a step in the right direction. We’re finally moving forward!
The government should not have a say in what goes on in its citizens bedrooms.

FireBraguette answered 10 months ago

Sa qualiter pinok p b*ur lepep depi 2014.. mo ti croire zafer la ti deja legal 😏

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