QuestionsGeneral-MiscStandard and Etiquette in Driving
OptimisedMan asked 12 months ago

Hi,I'm planning to visit as a tourist, driving around to explore and visit family. I have a UK license and driving experience. My main areas of interest are Flic en Flac and the northern part of the island, but I also have family in various central towns and throughout the island.I've heard that driving along the coast is easy and not stressful. Can you confirm if this is true?On the other hand, I've also been told that driving through the towns can be a nightmare. Personally, I don't have much experience driving with others, except for being stuck in traffic on a bus with constant beeping and honking.I'm wondering if drivers in Mauritius give way when I signal to change lanes. Do they follow the rule of giving priority to traffic from the right at roundabouts?I guess I'm just concerned about driving through places like Curepipe, Quatre Bornes, Goodlands, Port Louis, and Lalmati.Thank you,

learnnit100 answered 12 months ago

Driving in Mauritius in general is not that stressful. You should drive at your own comfortable speed and keep calm. There are many more vehicles on the roads and an increased proportion of new and fast vehicles; lots of drivers are in a hurry and sometimes they stick on your back. Just drive at a safe speed and ignore them unless it is safe to let them pass. With the advent of trams (aka metro), driving through Quatre Bornes and Vacoas can be a nightmare: a simple 5 minutes drive can now take an hour due to very slow traffic.

>I have heard driving around the coast is easy and not stressful. Is this true?

Yes, enjoy the view. Stop if there are too many on your back anf let them pass.

>Do drivers give way if I indicate to change lanes?

It depends, in general yes but many do not yield and you have to look for a safe opportunity.

>Do they respect roundabout rules of giving priority to the traffic from the right?

Yes. There are some bad drivers so be careful and on the defensive always.

DeliciousBallz answered 12 months ago

Drive defensively and you’ll be fine. Some drivers are A-holes though.

Tourists have always said they find Mauritius tricky and difficult to drive though. As a local, I dunno lol. Mauritius is fine if you get used to it.

Then again, if you’re a tourist who mainly comes here for nature and beaches, why would you go to Goodlands, Quatre Bornes etc.

Also, be mindful of roundabout laws, if you’re from the UK you should know them already. So many EU tourists on small rental cars fuck up and don’t know which lane to take and never put their indicators on.

Mauricien247 answered 12 months ago

When i drive in Mru, I try to let people in, as long as it does not impede traffic.
As usual, there are entitled people who think I should let them in too.
I let one in, and everyone behind try to get in as well.

Just be careful of Vans (minibus-15seater).
They are mostly Hiaces and Urvans and transport school children and workers. Always in a hurry, will cut in front of you and all.

Of course Quatre Bornes is busy in during busy times. Try to drive between 1000 – 1500 or after 1830 most times where you think you dont feel comfortable.

Goldstein_Goldberg answered 12 months ago

It’s totally fine, really. Maybe skip some smaller streets occasionally. Some people are assholes and drive aggressively but you can just make them wait. I drove around the island the last two weeks in a rental car and it’s been fine. The worst thing that happened was a few people being pushy to overtake.

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