QuestionsGeneral-MiscStopping my.t 1 year subscription early ?
Zbeuj asked 8 months ago

Hello ! I'm leaving the island in a few weeks and I wanted to cancel my my.t subscription but they said I couldn't since I was subscribed for a full year (and so I should pay the remaining months). What could happen if I just stop paying for the subscription and leave like that ? Could they process legal procedures, should I fear anything ? What do you think is the best solution for me to do ? Did anybody have similar experience with them ?

Dangerous_Candle_117 answered 8 months ago

You signed an agreement which had terms and conditions, We do not know what the terms and conditions were regarding the cancellation policy and whether there will be any legal action if the contract is breached by you.

swanki_so_tang answered 8 months ago

I think u have to pay a Rs1500 fine, read this:

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