QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat are your opinion regarding compulsory military service in Mauritius?
cosmic_vagabond69 asked 1 year ago

Did you know that in several countries, it is mandatory for all men aged 18 to undergo military service or training for a period of 12-24 months? While most countries enforce conscription predominantly for men, with only a few extending it to women, I would like to gather opinions from both genders on whether this is something you would wish to see implemented here or not.

Best-Inflation-7728 answered 1 year ago

It would be better if you also added women to it. Cos I also would have loved to do it.

[deleted] answered 1 year ago


PlanktonSad9695 answered 1 year ago

It would bring better discipline and bring personal growth. Maybe yes.

yjoodhisty answered 1 year ago

Get your facts straight. A lot of countries are moving away from this system. Why do you want your country to impose mandatory military services?
I never came across someone who did military service and said “thank god my country has this” ….
I always get “this is a waste of 2 years of my life”…

_DEATH_STR0KE_ answered 1 year ago

Why? Mauritius doesnt even have a military. it doesnt even need one. The SMF/GIPM/SSU is enough to maintain peace across the island.

We are not under attack nor have plans to attack any other country.

It’s also not a cheap project to carry out.

joeyl5 answered 1 year ago

I think maybe what is needed is a compulsory civics lesson at high school graduation, like learn the laws of the land/constitution, learn about the political system of the country and maybe reinforce the needs to be a good citizen of the country. That would probably help more than mandatory military service

aramjatan answered 1 year ago

We do not have a military. We do not need a military. You can’t have military service when you don’t have a military.

LaureZahard answered 1 year ago

If you’re okay with like 40% of your yearly salary going into taxes, sure…

Miserable_Diver_9825 answered 1 year ago

We don’t have a standing army. But I do like the idea of 16-18 year olds undergoing some sort of military style fitness training regime. it should improve the general health of the population.

Escanor1365 answered 1 year ago

Y military? Instead of having social and morale values. Just see how people are driving nowadays, too much ego.

saajidv answered 1 year ago

Short answer: no.

Long answer: hell no. One of the best things about this country is not having a military to waste our money on.

JonJonSee answered 1 year ago

MIlitary service has its advandages. Discipline, take people out of the ghetto etc.

However, why men only? This is a very old school view. It whould be mandatory for women too if you’re going that way.

Saifali007 answered 1 year ago

It’s worthless here, in fact Mauritius doesn’t even need a military army, in a likely invasion the trained military forces in Mauritius might not even have a chance

Mountainking7 answered 1 year ago

I wish it was there to teach people discipline, hard work, setting goals and surpassing yourself.

HOWEVER, it should apply to BOTH MALES AND FEMALES at the SAME STANDARD. In this day and age, there is no place for any distinction when there is equality of sexes.

JigMaJox answered 1 year ago

with the amount of backing / nepotism in mauritius, half the people would not even show up because he / she happens to be related to some politician or something.

or turn up with sick notes asking to be exempted.

GO20-C137 answered 1 year ago

I had a similar conversation with an American friend who served in the military. From his POV Americans should do some sort of military service but could be expanded to other fields like first aiders , fire fighting, social work etc.
I think same could be done in MU for 1 or 2 years. And this could help the youth with employment.

Dane_k23 answered 1 year ago

Does Mauritius not have scouts ? You’ll learn more life skills in scouts than in the military.

Traditional-Aside-93 answered 1 year ago

Seems like a great way to waste time. There are so many other things that neeed doing to maintain the island 🏝️. Marching up and down is pretty much a pointless exercise and discipline can be achieved in so many other ways !

Katen1023 answered 1 year ago

Why? We don’t even have a military, why would we need compulsory military service?

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