QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat are your thoughts on the recent ‘Santa Claus’ minimum wage and Free money hand out by Government??
Mountainking7 asked 8 months ago

This article makes so much sense. A big category of workers got shafted by the recent increase in minimum wage and/or the doubling of allowances in December. Some people are now relatively much more worse off that they were and they are feeling aggrieved by this.[]( will not help to curtail inflation and some people should realise that CSG collected from some people is being paid to others. Simply put, your salary is being used to finance pay top ups, child allowances, loan allowances etc.​

saajidv answered 8 months ago

I’m generally seeing a lot of anger towards minimum wage workers and I think it’s totally misguided. They’re not the enemy here.

Get angry at the business owners boasting about record profits who then refuse to raise wages for their workers, get angry at the descendants of sugar plantation slave owners who still own most of the land in this country, get angry at the ministers making international trips with their staff, wives and mistresses several times a year, get angry at the “small business owners” buying their second beach house while some of their workers are nearly homeless…class consciousness is abysmal now, and the sad thing is that it wasn’t always this way.

>This will not help to curtail inflation

Most studies show that the evidence linking increases in minimum wage to inflation is inconclusive, but for some reason this is accepted as a fact by most Mauritians.

>some people should realise that CSG collected from some people is being paid to others.

Yeah, to me that’s a good thing. That’s what CSG is for.

>Simply put, your salary is being used to finance pay top ups, child allowances, loan allowances etc.

I’d be glad if most of the taxes I pay went towards those things instead of some dumbass minister’s new BMW.

Living_School_429 answered 8 months ago

will lead to further inflationary problem in my opinion

CelticGuardian15D answered 8 months ago

Big companies started sacking more people.
From salesman, factory workers to delivery drivers , I spoke to a couple of em.
Work is more hectic, quality went down and it doesn’t always mean efficiency went up.

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