QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat career opportunities can I expect by pursuing a Visual Arts degree at MGI University?
Lysaaa223 asked 7 months ago

^^ So everyone's initial words always are something along the lines of "so you're going to be an art teacher.." when I tell them about my plans to be an art major. They're certain of the fact that it's the only job I can get if I choose this field. Well I don't want to be a teacher... Is there any other job prospects for this field in mu?I wanted to do something related to art while also being a traditional artist as a side job maybe? TT

LostMoonchild-7 answered 7 months ago

gallery curator maybe?

dush_yant answered 7 months ago

Not much career prospects in Mauritius unfortunately. The most stable job would be in teaching. If you’re skilled at digital design you could get a job as digital/3D designer, there seems to be a handful of companies based in Mauritius doing this.

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