QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat courses do you suggest at UoM?
WaterSignificant8337 asked 8 months ago

I just finished my hsc exams and am waiting for results. I am a bit curious about the courses that uom offers. So can anyone suggest me about a good course. I have done maths biology and English literature in hsc. I am very curious to know about the courses. I have checked some and most are asking for a pass in maths.

darkwaves_124 answered 8 months ago

It depends on what you prefer for career path.
You could check out the courses on this website.
It will also depend on your hsc results. Search uom toolkit application on Google and check your eligibility.

Personally, I would suggest IT related courses at this point of time.

verter04 answered 8 months ago

The question is what are you interested in? What are you career goals?

indominus_rex007 answered 8 months ago

Bsc Accounting Minor Finance, the highest valued course at University of Mauritius right now

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