QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat is the average daily cost for renting a small car?
PAO_Warrior asked 1 year ago

Just a simple, compact car with four seats.

stickyfettuccine answered 1 year ago

This is going to be a very rough estimate, and keep in mind it varies greatly between rental companies, car models and the period for the rental contracts: rs1,000-1,800 per day.

sanjeev25n answered 1 year ago

The ongoing rate is usually Rs 1000 per day for cars less than 4 years old, then Rs 800 for more than 4 years old but less than 6.

But it’s not necessarily true at every rental.

I had rented a car at that rate in May.

18spider answered 1 year ago

You can get a suzuki swift for Rs 1500 per day @ [JR Auto Fleet](

TechNick1-1 answered 12 months ago

When and for how long?

Be aware when you compare Car rental Prices of the possible different INSURANCE conditions!

1000 RS/day is a good and realistic Rate IF the Insurance has no “holes” in it.

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