QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat is the best health insurance on the island?
Successful_Escape_42 asked 7 months ago

I am currently looking into getting in an health insurance but im not sure about which one to go to. Any recommendations and why please?

TechNick1-1 answered 7 months ago

Depends on your Age and how healthy you are.

In General the Top 3 are:

indominus_rex007 answered 7 months ago

Mauritius Eagle / Medscheme is really fast in processing your claims for out patients

WomanOfWorld answered 7 months ago

Eagle/Medscheme for outpatient and Swan for inpatient.
If you’re a female, might be needing the gyne/obstetrics part, Swan is the best option.
FYI, I use both. The con is outpatient for Swan and the medical inpatient team from medscheme is slooow.

Mountainking7 answered 7 months ago

Basically the same as asking “what is the best car on the island”? So many considerations …

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