QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat is the email for municipality of Quatre Bornes?
Kitchen_Committee_85 asked 8 months ago

I would like to object for a permit in my locality, my neighbor just put a board for permit but the thing is that the entrance to my house is already difficult, now his client are going to put his car, I know this because there is absolutely no where for them to put their car, making my life more difficult, would like to object, or at least let the expert come and check if they got parking or something. But I would like to do it anonymous. Any email I can use to make the objection?

Agreeable-Law-9495 answered 8 months ago

Your deed or survey report must have mentioned a chemin de sortie (commun), and legally they can’t obstruct the exit road

Raspberry_Donut__ answered 8 months ago

They have an email?

magicalzidane answered 8 months ago

Write to them, letter physically deposited, or by post. Then scan the letter and email it to adding the BLUP number in the subject.

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