QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat would be the perfect uni for buisness management bachelor?
Trtrtr70 asked 8 months ago

Hi guys, I(21) want to study Buisness Management as a bachelor in Mauritius. With money not being in the equation. What would be the perfect uni for buisness? I heard UOM is fine, also heard Curtin often for buisness/finance. Hearing good stuff about Middlesex too. But which is the best, also internationally if I want to go back to Europe? Thank you guys!

IndividualSwan17 answered 8 months ago

Middlesex is good. You get a UK accredited degree for half the price if you go to the London campus. There are different branches you can take of the business degree, look on the website. And people who have done it said it was relatively doable

IndividualSwan17 answered 8 months ago

Ah nice! I think you’ll have a good time especially if you’re coming from other parts of the world. Its very chilled here and the grading system is also pretty lenient.

Curious_Bar1965 answered 8 months ago

Middlesex is good. Why don’t you try to get into an Ivy league in the US?

Retribuzione answered 8 months ago

For international best is middlesex followed by curtin

Raspberry_Donut__ answered 8 months ago

The salary will be the same regardless of which uni you go to.

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