QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhere can i repair and tune my acoustic guitar in Rose hill
Crafty_Bed_7797 asked 8 months ago

I got an acoustic guitar from my grandfather and its really old and not tuned, the top E string is missing I need a place for replacing the strings and tuning the guitar....any help will be appreciated

GO20-C137 answered 8 months ago

If its just strings, they can be easily replaced. There a shop that sells musical instrument across from J.Kalachand, on Royal Road (sorry I forgot the name). They might be able to help you with repairs.

As for tuning the guitar, there are apps and websites that can do it for free.

FireBraguette answered 8 months ago

Not really Rose Hill but Columbia in Q.Bornes. the road leading to hopital Candos. Just at the start of the road.

Cannot recommend them enough they are amazing

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