QuestionsMoney-ShoppingAny business which accept Bitcoin in Mauritius?
cumtrafficant asked 8 months ago

Just simple curiosity, as you all know mobile payment is really popular here. And wanted to know if some business took this as an opportunity tu start accepting payment in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. So if you know any write them below

streamer3222 answered 8 months ago

First off. Accepting BTC for your business in our current situation is merely an investment for a anticipated surge in BTC–Dollar ratio and not a viable means of making regular profits.

Second, Crypto might be illegal in Mauritius or requires a permit from Financial Services Commission (FSC). That’s why nobody is doing it.

Also, if significant amounts of your revenue becomes in Crypto, then you will not be able to re-invest your revenue to buy new products due to market crashes or current problems with banks to withdraw Crypto. In this case the most ideal solution is to place a limit for how much goods you can accept Crypto in your business. Which means for some time you will accept Crypto, stop the service, then re-launch it when you are ready which is poor business practice when you want to build reliability with clients.

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