QuestionsMoney-ShoppingAre we better off taking US$ or UK£ to exchange once we are in Mauritius?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Are we better off taking US$ or UK£ to exchange once we are in Mauritius?

Neil Wilson answered 7 months ago

I would say that since your hoping to the country of Mauritius you should take their currency.
Take Mauritius Rupees.

Mag Dallimore answered 7 months ago

I always take £ sterling! The exchange rate is normally higher!

Camachee Narrainen Anandan answered 7 months ago

Pound sterling !

Raj Tirbooman answered 7 months ago

No don’t take their currency. The exchange rate you will get in the UK will be pitiful. Just take £ and change on arrival or in money changers in Mauritius.

Jacques Clarel Lamothe answered 7 months ago

Check the stock exchange online nearer the time check for euro dollar and pound change into Mauritian rupees.
I do that everytime I go back home and it’s worth it

Satish Ramiah answered 7 months ago

£ and change in the airport

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