QuestionsMoney-ShoppingMoney exchange
Anonymous asked 9 months ago
Hi all,
I found the website very informative and very friendly.
Will be in Mauritius in a week time and I am looking forward to this holiday.

Please can someone advise the better way to deal with money exchange?

Do we take cash and exchange the pounds there? If so, where about would you advise the best exchange rate?
Or do we use the HSBC card? What would the the fees the bank charges?

Many thanks in advance
Teo x

Lisa Jane Burt answered 9 months ago

We used ATM machine at airport using our HSBC cards – got much better rate than in Money Exchange in Dubai

Vict Dupuis answered 9 months ago

Faite le change à aéroport puis dans une banque en ville comme mcb

Riezve Soniassy answered 9 months ago

Best is to use a credit card such as Revolut with no extra cost when transacting in foreign currency.
You can pay all your major expenses directly with your credit card. For some petty cash you may need, there are plenty of ATMs all over the island.
No need to waste time exchanging money.

Krystyna Veerasamy answered 9 months ago

Airport arrivals – cash. Also ATMs

Allain Castagnette answered 9 months ago

Bring cash and exchange at money changers you get more than banks . Exchange some notes at the airport for use in case of need .

Helen Cave answered 9 months ago

I got 50.48 rate before I went but I should have waited as it was 54.00 at the airport.
Clarity card is good but not sure you can get it that quick ( no charges)

Maureen Field answered 9 months ago

We just took mauritian rupees and credit card

Les Wico answered 9 months ago

Any idea on rates at moment for gb pound many thanks

Leander Attic answered 9 months ago

Get a little changed from the airport for basic needs. And then change big chunk at Port Louis or Goodlands. Better dealers with best rates there

Garry Smith answered 9 months ago

Chase card

Claudia Dickens answered 9 months ago

Sorry jump on – where at the airport changes UK money? Is there a booth you go to?

Faizul Rohomun answered 9 months ago

Change some in airport and you can change rest in towns in Thomas Cook shibani

Padmini Sattoovera answered 9 months ago

you can also change at the banks or money changer places we have all over the island

Christian Lee answered 9 months ago

Use yr card.. But for small retail shop, street hawkers, market in Port Louis.. Where many tourists visit.. Better you have cash.. Big malls, restaurants.. You can use yr card.. No need to bring plenty of cash…exchange at the airport, bank and money rate is money changer.. But it will depend on how much.. If a big sum.. Then money changer you will get better rates.. Enjoy yr stay

Garry Smith answered 9 months ago

Tesco’s was giving you 54 rupees to the pound before I flew out

Matar Dev answered 9 months ago

Better to use cash

Sue Thompson answered 9 months ago

We used an HSBC debit card at airport.

Vickie Wells answered 9 months ago

Get a starling card. Like a debit card used on holiday with better exchange rates

Mark Russell answered 9 months ago

Change at the airport for the best rate!
I am HSBC and before moving here each card transaction cost me at least £5 😢
Check with your bank as to fees, the Mauritian banks will charge you for using a foreign card. It doesn’t matter if fees are “small” they add up and are worth avoiding if you can 😊

Ian Head answered 9 months ago

Bring cash and don’t change at the first one ask you will get a better deal I change il goodlands will still check out a few first

John Parris answered 9 months ago

We always change on the island way better rate than the airport ones or the banks

Patrick Louise answered 9 months ago

Hi. My wife had Santander card no charge I had HSBC and they charged me so all add up by end of holiday

Donald Peddie answered 9 months ago

Change your pounds at the airport. Bank cards can be used everywhere and the charges are reasonable

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