QuestionsMoney-ShoppingWhat is exchange rate of £ at airport?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

We fly to mauritius Saturday what is exchange rate of £ at airport thanks

Mark Hein answered 7 months ago

google shibani finance, there you find the actual rate

Yen Ly Nguyen answered 7 months ago

We arrived on Sunday and we got 55 rupees to a pound. Sterling very strong at the moment.

Raj Tirbooman answered 7 months ago

By Saturday the exchange rate would have changed 4 times……
But it has been fluctuating between 53 and 56 for the last 4 weeks.

Toria Summers answered 7 months ago

Download the XE app – that will update automatically and cost to exchange will vary on commission rate at the time of transaction.

Kamla Orgoo answered 7 months ago

No good rate at airport

Kamla Orgoo answered 7 months ago

Shibani Finance best rate

Steeve Martin answered 7 months ago

It’s all the same. I find the airport a better.

Jonathan OLoughlin answered 7 months ago

We found the airport was the best rate.

Gertrude Allet Perrine answered 7 months ago

55 .95 the rate today

Jocelyn Toms answered 7 months ago

Best google FX as they change so frequently

Chris Korneiew answered 7 months ago

don’t use the airport – use an MCB atm and ignore the banks conversion rate

Preyvin Sookun answered 7 months ago

I got 55.27 for £1 yesterday in Port louis

Ash Ley answered 7 months ago

Go on or or shibani finance

Mark Russell answered 7 months ago

It is always a good rate at the airport 💰
Banks usually charge for using foreign cards 💳
There are exchanges around the island 🏝️ but few and far between, the same as ATM’s so remember to take into account taxi fares etc.

Jabeer Barahim answered 7 months ago

I think you won’t get much there but u can alway change a bit there and then when you going to the capital or around it better price outside than in the airport and bank…..remember everyday it change up n down

Anita Sumessur answered 7 months ago

Just change enough money to get by for a couple of days until you get to a money exchanger like “Shibani”
They usually give good rates – better than bank

Mark Nobby Noble answered 7 months ago

Do people use Revolut there?

Moneytime Bureau de Change answered 7 months ago

At Moneytime 55.25

Anusha Maharajh answered 7 months ago

Rate at airport was cheaper than hotels

Carrianne Lackie answered 7 months ago

Used the airport Friday uk 57 to the pound.

Julie John answered 7 months ago

Be careful when using a credit card do like above advice and draw money out at the airport. We got stung they work on a different exchange rate poor
The only reason I knew was I had worked out how much things were going to cost before we went out.
When my statement came I was shocked and this card does not charge to use it. So I told them to explain why and that’s when then told me. I will never use my credit abroad again.

Andy Deven Permall answered 7 months ago

Just change for enough to buy something in juty free and paying taxis, theyreany places that giving more than banks in Port Louis.Anyway people who always travel around the world must be knowing the difference between Airport and cities.

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