QuestionsMoney-ShoppingWhere can I buy decent quality luggages at a resonable or discounted price?
Klutzy_Variation9767 asked 8 months ago

I am looking for luggages but it's pretty hard to trust the quality as my previous luggage got in a very bad state after my first travel. And places like tribeca or bagatelle where you can trust the quality, the prices are just overwhelming. Aren't there any places where you can get something decent fpr a decent price?

sanjeev25n answered 8 months ago

Try Port Louis, near market or corner house.

RoseHill20201 answered 8 months ago

Kalachand in Pailles?

saajidv answered 8 months ago

They’re far from cheap, but I usually buy Delsey luggage from Hong Kong Store in Port Louis. I’ve got several pieces that I have been using for more than 10 years. Their warranty and after sales service is okay too.

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