QuestionsSports-ActivitiesI am looking for whale watching tours in Mauritius
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Hello! I am looking for whale watching tours in Mauritius, with pick up and drop off at grand baie area. I saw that in some tours we can dive with whales. Do you have any contact for this? Thank you!

Naf Sai answered 7 months ago

Inês Tomé do contact Mauritius Tour Guide thank you see you soon ❤️❤️❤️🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺

Saiz Yakuza answered 7 months ago

For all your trip,highly recommended Mauritius Tour Guide👍

Precious Ruby answered 7 months ago

Dive with whales its ILLEGAL ❌️❌️

Aktaar Mohammad answered 7 months ago

Inês Tomé whales its illegal but if dolphin watch i highly recommend you Mauritius vip Tours & transfers

7 waterfall adventure guide answered 7 months ago

Don’t spend your money now it’s not whale season it’s 50 percent

Stephane Guillot answered 7 months ago

Bear in mind that if coast guards catch you swimming with dolphins or whales you are at risk of a big fine. Watching is not prohibited but swimming is. Of course few people do it and advert, this is at your own risks. Whales (different kinds) are all year round, just need to have the right guy with good equipment to locate them, they can be seen from port louis to Le Morne and sometimes further till Macondé. Again be very careful…watching is beautiful, diving is at your own risks.

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers answered 7 months ago

Inês Tomé dolphin anytime but whales not really the season,better you can see dolphin Mauritius vip Tours & transfers ,some will say go then when return will say sorrry we tried but didnt have whales and you paid for nothing

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