QuestionsSports-ActivitiesDoes anyone have experience of playing golf on Ile aux Cerfs?
Anonymous asked 4 months ago

Hi, does anyone have experience of playing golf on Ile aux Cerfs? How much does a round cost and how do you get to the island? We will be staying at the Radisson Azuri, we have to plan our way there.
Thanks ☀️🏌🏻‍♂️

Claire McInally answered 4 months ago

Following as interested in this too

Sven Dassel answered 4 months ago

Great Golf course, very strategic and demanding, definitely not hit and hope. There is a boat running to the course from here:
Do not know about greenfee ( heard of about 200€) as we stayed at Long Beach where this course and Anahita are included

Karen Soodeen answered 4 months ago

Steven Bell…any thoughts xxx

The Studio answered 4 months ago

Golf – if staying at Long Beach
Booking – do it at hotel reception – they phone golf club for tee time
Transfer is included and takes about half hour
Reception will tell you what time to be outside reception to pick up mini bus transfer.
Golf club will buggy you back to jetty for return boat. Same applies for Anahita golf course when you want to book.
Both tracks excellent.
Ile aux Cerfs tight and strategic
Anahita is longer but more open.
Range balls are free at Anahita but charged for at Ile Aux Cerfs
Expect to lose balls at Ile Aux Cerfs but not so much at Anahita
If option to play to right hand green on 18th at Ile Aux Cerfs take it – it’s marvellous.
Hope this helps & enjoy.

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