QuestionsSports-ActivitiesWhat are the best things you can do alone for a day in Port Louis?
zedd1704 asked 9 months ago

The top locations for a solo outing in Port Louis.

AceSpadePirate answered 9 months ago

Take a walk and enjoy the busy atmosphere then have a dallpuri + alouda in bazar. Buy some snacks in the street. Go to Caudan waterfront

Le_denicheur answered 9 months ago

Personally I go to the cinema, then I go for lunch. I often go to restaurants which I found on facebook.

Then go for a walk in the waterfront or in Port Louis itself.

Hope you like my idea

Best-Inflation-7728 answered 9 months ago

Chinatown is a whole diff vibee

Brooklyn7011 answered 9 months ago

What’s a self date? Is that some kinky action alone in some dark alley?

Saifali007 answered 9 months ago

Are you alright?

NicoAbraxas answered 9 months ago

Eat. Go bazaar and buy fruit 😋 I’ve spent hours just wandering about the market.
Also, Aapravasi Ghat museum, if you’re prepared to know island-history.

urrealthoughts answered 9 months ago

Idea for late night.

Go to Pont de Paris. Buy something to eat.
Go to caudan waterfront. Go inside the “mall”. Ideally near mcine. You’ll have tables. Sit facing the port. Eat. And hope ki gardient pa vinn amerd twa.
Tried it some weeks back on a Saturday evening.

Montbose answered 9 months ago

Go to Jardin Companie : very relaxing & cool atmosphere due to the canopy made by all the trees.

Katen1023 answered 9 months ago

If you like museums, you can visit Aapravasi Ghat, the blue penny museum, House of Digital Art in Edith Cavell or see if Caudan Arts Centre is having any expos. You can also look into plays or other things at Caudan Arts Centre.
You can also go to the cinemas in Caudan.

There are also a lot of food options to choose from, whether it’s in Caudan or in the streets of PLouis itself, try Cafe de La Presse if you haven’t.
Walk around, look at the shops & street vendors and go to the bazaar.

tkiki6693 answered 9 months ago

Start from the morning around 10a.m., reach port louis, you can go from one road to another. Visit those old shops and if you want to buy something, you can easily do it.

During my school days when i had more than 1 tuition in port louis, i used to go to gardens like jardin la compagnie or the one at plaines vertes. I used to enjoy those lonely days as it was really peaceful. People may say bad things about those gardens but don’t listen. I went there, i didn’t found those so called bad things.

Moreover you can go to Caudan. There has been many changes since the last 5 years with the metro coming there. You can visit the victoria urban terminal. It is very beautiful there.

There are museums and so many places like the national library at Edith Cavell.

There are so many to write. If i remember more, i will write.

luvy0x answered 9 months ago

a lot bro,i go to port louis alone everytime ,no friends no partners no parents. if i was you,firstly i would do is to come at port louis around 1130-12pm this is where pl is more active, the go for lunch, try some sweet shops and dont forget to use google maps to visit some restaurant ! google maps works well in port louis, then i would go for shopping and trust me you will be tried after these i have mentioned above

RikiArmstrong answered 9 months ago

Check all the old historic buildings. Opposite the old jail is a firestation with a huge clock thing that is amazing

Muzzammil_15 answered 9 months ago

A typical port Louis day for me during old days would be

Go to port Louis maybe a kebab at mr kebab , dholl puri at Bazar accompanied with a lemon juice or alouda

Then to caudan , asizee lor rond or cinema

Lunch at pizza hut , if that still exists.

Fun moments at kiddyland , unfortunately you do not have this option anymore but you can replace it by a solo moment at cinema

Then maybe desert or more food at McDonald’s

A trip to urban terminal if you want more food

Infinite-Ad-8295 answered 9 months ago

Most relaxing thing is to read a book while having a coffee at cafe lux enjoying the view of the harbour.

JordanKyle4 answered 9 months ago

Go see the Music Clip – Port Louis by Damien Élisa
You will get the idea.

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