QuestionsTourism-AdviceNew alcohol allowance for incoming passengers…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Allowance for incoming passengers
Plse note that as from 01.01.24, it will be either 1L spirit & 2L of wine/ champagne, or 2L spirit, or 4L of wine/ champagne per person over 18 years.

Brigitte Ahnee answered 7 months ago

on redevient civilisés? leurs coffres sont pleins et ils pourront pas les prendre avec eux quand ils vont devoir bourrer pour ne pas se retrouver sur la potence,?

Tecksing Rupchand answered 7 months ago


Tecksing Rupchand answered 7 months ago

Thank you for sharing this!

Lindsay Francois answered 7 months ago

From where did you get this info.

Lux Shryl answered 7 months ago

Great! More casualties

Irovini Muni answered 7 months ago

I’ve quit drinking

Sascha Fennel answered 7 months ago

These are strict minimums that need to be respected. In the unlikely case of the incoming passenger being a non-alcoholic, there are plenty of expats and also Mauritians who will be happy to accept donations.

Be spirited !

Vix Kennedy answered 7 months ago

What’s the outgoing allowance? Is that the same? I ask because I’m bring 1ltr takamaka from seychelles in and want to take that and something local to mauritius home with me

Patrick Louise answered 7 months ago

When we came in May could bring in 5/6 lts of whiskey

Preyvin Sookun answered 7 months ago

We just bought 5 litres at duty free
Is the new allowance correct

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