QuestionsTourism-AdviceNeed some information
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hello ... Getting informed for the next holiday....
• is the sand white or gold?
• the water is deep or you need to walk long to get high water (like Kenya and Maldives)
• November weather ?
• any recommendations for resort or home? area?
• is it easy to go around the island?
• excursions to go on ?

thanks to those who will respond.

Kevin Bheem answered 8 months ago

No high water unless Gris Gris..and soufluer..Best lifetime destination would e sharks

Naf Sai answered 8 months ago

Valentina Patafiocca for your excursion do check with Mauritius Tour Guide about what is a must to do thank you see you soon ❤️❤️❤️🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺 answered 8 months ago

Hello for all your excursion needs, including catamaran and speedboat trips, dolphin encounters, helicopter tours, snorkeling adventures, and more, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will gladly help you☺️

Lisa Benatelli answered 8 months ago

Bianca bianchissima… No non è evidente come in Kenya … Il bagno lo farai sempre ed è bellissima l acqua !!!novembre ha piovuto un po’ ma niente di spaventoso 😅😅😅la zona dipende da te !!! Se vuoi vita la sera ecc ecc io personalmente sono stata due volte una dieci anni fa e una l altro mese e ho scelto sempre belle mare 😅😅

Martina Flisi answered 8 months ago

Noi abbiamo preso una villa con piscina su al nord e noleggiato la macchina per girarci tutta l’isola (best scelta ever)
Per le escursioni fai affidamento a Calypso Excursion Mauritius, sono un’agenzia italo-mauriziana, noi ci siamo trovati benissimo 🙂

Jo Robert answered 8 months ago

– Sand is sand colour 😂 some places white, some goldfish.
– water get gradually deep just like a pool 🤷🏾‍♀️ just come and see by yourself!

Angie Thomas answered 8 months ago

Hello Valentina
you need to walk to get into the water and it’s deeper and deeper.
November is a great month for vacation, but also the high /peak season, so better to book in advance.
I can recommend you an Airbnb in the west of the island, please see link below:

Calypso Excursion Mauritius answered 8 months ago

Ciao …
• la sabbia è generalmente bianca a seconda delle spiagge
• l’acqua è profonda in maniera graduale
• meteo novembre è estate ma siamo un isola tropicale piogge improvvise e sparse e caldo

• è facile girare l’isola in auto o taxi assolutamente si
• escursioni da fare…….una valanga …tanta scelta tra mare e terra

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