Anonymous asked 3 months ago

It seems that local autorities are not being transparent as to what is happening...
There are many cases of dengue.

Christine Richter answered 3 months ago

We were tourists in Mauritius a couple of weeks ago and nobody we spoke with tourists, locals, staff etc had any idea of the outbreak one hotel owner told me I was wrong and that the outbreak was on Réunion when I showed him the official Facebook site he said I shouldn’t trust things I read on Facebook. If locals and tourists continue to ignore it it’s never going to get better …

Christine Richter answered 3 months ago

Also a couple of groups including Mauritius – We Love It! Wouldn’t approve my post about the situation

Veronique Duncan answered 3 months ago

Really! Why should anyone make a national issue about dengue fever is beyond me. It’s not as if it’s a mortal disease. Yes, it’s very unpleasant and painful. Nobody dies of dengue fever. The people who had dengue and died, didn’t die of dengue but of whatever comorbidity they were suffering from or because they were not treated properly. If they had caught pneumonia or anything else, they would have died.
If you’re so worried about it, cover yourself up, surround yourself with anti-mosquito product.

And yes, I do know what I’m talking about. I’ve had dengue as a child. Both my husband and my daughter had dengue twice and three times respectively while we were cruising the Caribbean. Yes it’s very painful and yes it was very worrying when my 10 year old was spiking dangerously high fevers.

We live in the tropics, we have mosquitoes, protect yourself.

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