QuestionsTourism-AdviceDo we need to bring adaptors from UK?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
Do we need to bring adaptors from UK? Thank you

Paul Glover answered 8 months ago


Ant Johnson answered 8 months ago


Helen Fraser answered 8 months ago


Tamsin Jessica Hunt answered 8 months ago

European or American?

Mark Russell answered 8 months ago

Most sockets are the same as UK but some are two pin!
So it is advisable to have an adapter just in case 😊

Neil Wilson answered 8 months ago

Lol.. probably not.
But I always travel.with one of these so you have adaptor and phone charger

Dharma Thandrayen answered 8 months ago

Always bring a few. Always useful anywhere you travel.

Beardsley Ramasamy answered 8 months ago

No need

Gerard Peka answered 8 months ago

No, not necessary!

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