QuestionsTourism-AdviceGood day. I’m looking for a last minute car to hire from 21/12/2023 till 25/12/2…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Good day. I'm looking for a last minute car to hire from 21/12/2023 till 25/12/2023. I'm based at Zilwa Attitude. If you have any affordable car to rent, please reach out.

Nish Bhanot answered 7 months ago

Speak to them hopefully they have a car for you

Cyran Beenessreesingh answered 7 months ago

Check these guys out

Krishn Mohabeer answered 7 months ago

Coastal Tour Mauritius

Vivian Leibrandt answered 7 months ago

Thank you for all the responses. It appears that rental cars are not available, if any are available please send me a dm. Alternatively, if any taxi service is available tomorrow from Zilwa resort to explore the south, please dm me. Thank you

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