QuestionsTourism-AdviceDo you think it will rain continuously or will we have the hope of being in the sun for a while?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Hallo everyone! My family, friends and I will flight to Mauritius in few days! We checked weather forecast and unfortunately the situation is not the best.. Do you think it will rain continuously or will we have the hope of being in the sun for a while? Thanks

Tina Gooranah answered 7 months ago

Sadly it will be what it will be. Often rain forecasted looks bad, but its normally short sharp rainfall and then the sun’s back out. But yes, sometimes it’s torrential for most of the day. Sometimes it’s only raining in one area. Whatever, you will have a great time because rain or not it will still be very warm. Lol many tourists still swim in the sea despite the rain. But there’s plenty of other things to do, Port louis and the Aquarium is a must.

Rajen Ramah answered 7 months ago

Why worry about weather if you are coming in holidays….stay in the pool water …it will help not getting wet with the rain😁…rain is intermittent,relax you’ll be fine….have a great stay and happy new year…

Penny Chapman answered 7 months ago

We also arriving in a few days. Haven’t even checked the weather. We can’t change it so just go and enjoy no matter what! It’s never cold there anyway so walk, swim and just enjoy your holiday….

Emma Aunger answered 7 months ago

This is day 3 and one shower so far

Kate 'Pinky' Prosser answered 7 months ago

I arrived on Wednesday which was nice, Thursday Friday and Saturday it was nice in the morning and rainy in the afternoon and Today it’s been lovely.

Naz Junglee answered 7 months ago

Don’t worry about the weather the is off and on enjoy

Joanne Hancorn answered 7 months ago

We arrived Wednesday, forecast said rain for days, we had a little rain maybe an hour on Thursday and bright sunshine since. Enjoy 😊

Prim Maxwell answered 7 months ago

Weather forecast is not accurate in my experience. We checked the weather forecast before we went saying raining everyday. To our surprise it was sunny 98% of the time except for few days of sporadic rain.

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago

It will be what it will be if wanted guaranteed hot and dry weather it’s the wrong destination 😔

Jerry Simith answered 7 months ago

Bad weather

Hana Uváčková answered 7 months ago

I am currently at Flic en Flac. Theoretically we have everyday rain, storm, wind… no snow forecasted yet🤣🥳 in the reality since 17th december there was rain on one afternoon 4 hours. Yesterday I was on a trip in south, there was also rain, 30 minutes. On friday I was on ille aux cerfs, it was raining for 1.5 hours. So I do nit check forecast, please inform me when snow is coming, will be fun.

Issoop Bankur answered 7 months ago

Showers are occasional and localised in a few places, not all!!!!

Nigel Freeman answered 7 months ago

Just enjoy, there’s not a lot you can do about the weather.

Mag Dallimore answered 7 months ago

I guess it’ll be like everywhere else! Unpredictable. But I’m sure there’ll be some sunshine amongst the rain! So take it as it comes and enjoy! 🌦

Georges Leung answered 7 months ago

Ice pellets and scattered snow

Rahima Eatally answered 7 months ago

Today in the North

Dee Bella answered 7 months ago

Weather is unpredictable at the moment everywhere in the world. Just pack and go.

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