QuestionsTourism-AdviceHallo wie ist das Wetter im August auf Mauritius?…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hallo wie ist das Wetter im August auf Mauritius?

Hello how is the August weather in Mauritius?

Translated from German

Jan Müller answered 7 months ago

Google ist dein Freund 🙂

Jürgen Weber answered 7 months ago

kühl an der Beach 25 Grad. und tags hell nachts ….

Jörg Bumba answered 7 months ago


Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 7 months ago


Sanj Acevoyage answered 7 months ago


Marie Lourdes Laurent Walker answered 7 months ago


Susan Textor answered 7 months ago

We have been in August/September and the weather was fantastic. 25 to 28 degrees during the day and the evening was around 20 to 22 degrees. The ocean around 24 degrees. We stayed at Flic n Flac at the westcoast.

RajVir Adith answered 7 months ago

Cool, winter time

Georges Leung answered 7 months ago


Steffen Istes answered 7 months ago

Welches Jahr?

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