QuestionsTourism-AdviceHas anyone been to Mauritius in May?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hello, we are thinking of booking the Shandrani Beachcomber (Blue Bay) for the second half of May. It seems perfect to us, but I often read that in May one should go to the northwest coast... Has anyone been there in May and can say anything about weather, water and air temperatures? Thank you

David Morris answered 7 months ago

Yes been in May a number of times and also September, we are going back in May next year. Water a bit warmer for swimming in May. It’s hot during the day. You may get some rain but that’s the same in September. Shandrani Beachcomber Resort & Spa is a great hotel enjoy.

Christine Mandl answered 7 months ago

Hallo hat mir mein Reisebüro auch vorgeschlagen schönen Aufenthalt

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