QuestionsTourism-AdviceA few questions…
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
Hello all
As a solo traveler and paid half board
How much roughly will I need cash on a daily basis
Maybe one tour but not really looking for any paid tours
Mauritius is very similar to my home so just a diff scenery is why I’m travelling there
But if I want to sample some street/market cafe food and maybe buy souvenirs
Fancy restaurants are at hotels and my own home town anyway
And of course taxi
From Le Morne
How much roughly on a daily basis
Shd I aim to bring over in Mauritius currency I mean

Heishna Gokool answered 8 months ago

Or wtApp on 52584251

Ally Deljoor Paul answered 8 months ago

welcome to mauritius 🇲🇺
For your transfer and sightseeing etc,contact Nawshad taxi/guide for very affordable prices
w/app +23057251400

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